Shelburne Public LibraryShelburne Public Library

Community Services

The Shelburne Public Library partners with other community organizations to provide expanded services to our patrons.

Focus on Seniors
Let the Library come to you! We provide a home delivery service that brings materials to individuals who are unable to visit the Library in person, due to a visual or physical disability. The Library shares books, magazines, audiobooks, DAISY talking books, and CNIB resources with seniors in their homes.

Call 519-925-2168 to inquire about accessing this service.

If you or someone you know has difficulty reading print because of a visual, physical, or learning disability, Shelburne Public Library can help!

In partnership with the CNIB, the Library is able to provide DAISY (Digital Access Information System) talking books, for patrons who have print disabilities. DAISY readers are an excellent choice for individuals with blindness, visual impairment, or dyslexia, who enjoy reading. Currently we have over 200 titles in DAISY format!